1."It left a bit of a bad taste, " he says.
2.Batista said WWE's direction leaves a bad taste in his mouth as it's too unbelievable and hokey.
3.He said that in many cases, people probably changed their surnames as they came to be regarded as in bad taste.
4.FOR those keen on environmental sustainability, eating fish ought to leave a bad taste.
5.If you've got yellow drainage, are coughing, congested, have headaches and a bad taste or breath, it could be a sinus infection, Nish says.
6.Sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person. He might say that experience " left a bad taste in my mouth . "
7.Did I disappoint you or leave a bad taste in your mouth? You act like you never had love and you want me to go without.
8.Now Im dying, Im afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I dont like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.
9.I guess we all need to be very careful with the the yellow color since it is used to represent both the Imperial Court and bad taste.
10.Obviously it was bad taste to die on people's hands. One should die in the bosom of his family, in private, as it were.